Sunday, 29 May 2011
Initial Grasshopper model results
It seems that I can approximate the results of the experiment but not the method.
The method is based upon different sized proteins travelling through the gel at different rates, larger proteins travelling slower than smaller ones where they are located after a specific time becomes the protein indicator.
I can still get a maximum over time so I will maintain my results and take them to the next stage of the experiment
Thursday, 26 May 2011
Bio Inversion
This image is of a failed DNA sequencing experiment, think about it Bio inversion, inverting a major species on the site, Humans into build form through the use of D.N.A sequencing, I am off to the school of bio science first thing tomorrow.
In the attempt to over come a mental block, I did a bit of a reversion experiment, based upon the 1st year studio, I composed a list of words describing the design site and then found antonyms for them. What was produced is as follows
Aim: Inversion of the space
Method : Develop a list of words that describe the space as it is, find the opposites of those words. Make diagrams of the concepts both positive and negative.
Interpret diagrams to make conclusions about spaces, model the spaces.
Descriptors of the space Inversions
Urban Country / Rural
Grid locked Smooth flowing
Pedestrian Vehicular
Brick Glass
Built up Raised
High rise Mine Low Rise (flat)
Commercial Charitable (blue sky)
Retail Wholesale
Public private
Private Public
Civilian Military
Quite Loud
Time locked Always open
Daytime Night time
Central Remote
City Country
Towers Tunnels
Glass Brick (concrete)
Un-accessible Accessible
Ominous promising
Busy Dead
Hobos Swells
Business people Students
Dark Light (bright, sunny)
Landlocked Coastal
Dirty Clean
Dull Exciting
Government Private
Undesirable Coveted, desired, in demand(predicate), sought after, delectable, sexy
Walls Ditches
Carpark Paradise
Leased Owned
Confusing Straight forward
Two descriptors and inversions per A4 sheet, mix up the order and just draw the first thing that comes to mind for each word.
During diagramming it was noticed that there was a repetition of 2 opposite characteristic words, these being brick and glass, and public and private.
The diagrams where then laid out and surveyed for similarities.
Positive and negative copies where made of the diagrams
During this process, I had a burst of inspiration. See the above post
Bio Pipes
So what if the pipe work on the Bio Fold where corridors for human traffic? Wrapped in the voronoi pattern? The Bio inhabiting the Bio, supporting the fold
Wednesday, 25 May 2011
I’m not sure how clear the photos will come out, but I have crystal growth, finally, not out classed by primary schoolers. After my second attempt and researching why crystals would not grow, the primary reasons being an under saturated solution or the temperature, i was able to produce a new batch of crystals around the source rocks.
Thursday, 19 May 2011
Monday, 16 May 2011
Morphed folded plane structure
The result of some manipulation of the folded plane structure in 3dstudomax, with renders in both 3dsmax and Sketchup
Sunday, 15 May 2011
Bio Plane
Based upon Chris inspiration of the Jelly Fish House (its actually supposed to be in San Francisco) by Iwamoto Scott Architects and a bit of persistence with Grasshopper combined with a few very fortunate web searches I was able to come up with this randomly generated single plane surface. I am still having some trouble with the edge conditions, but hopefully I will be able to translate this to a series of planes, as in a box, which is my next step.
It is equipped with sliders so that the random points are variable
1 Plan 100 Variations
Not a huge development to where we were on Friday, however what was interesting was that through all 100 variations of the form the plan remained unchanged, I never would have noticed if I wasn’t modelling with the computer.
The next stage would be taking it out of the machine and seeing if I can do it by hand again.
Points of Authority
Not entirely relevant but I thought that this old video for Linkin park drew some similarities to my next area of investigation
Saturday, 14 May 2011
Wednesday, 11 May 2011
Experiment 1: The Fold
Stage 3: The desire to create enclosed spaces
Method: For stage three we took inspiration from the desire of some of the initial 2 and 3 fold structures to form into curved shapes. We then added the methodology of stage 2 to them, However instead of running all the cuts to the same edge the cuts where staggered between alternate edges giving us the ability to altering the folding pattern that was available.
Results: The Curved shapes responded very well to the addition of cuts in any number, forming what could both be described as enclosed spaces and also due to the flexible nature of the objects in this form apparently limitless possibility for variation. This increased flexibility of variation however did come at a loss of structural integrity with the objects not being able to hold their shape and any slight movement causing them to vary. The form of the objects produced had the possibility to be described as both mechanical and biological in nature.
Monday, 9 May 2011
Experiment 1: the fold
Stage 2: The transitional plane
Method: The single fold and quadruple fold where taken from stage one and further developed through the addition of cutting and refolding.
The initially single folded elements responded well to being cut and re folded with the introduction of a 90 degree folds seemed to pinch and limit the scope of the folded plate however the 45 and 135 degree folds produces some interesting though similar results with the developed shapes having similar outputs albeit more complex as the number of cuts in the surface increased as this allowed for more variation while still enabling the original folded shapes to maintain their structural integrity.
The quad folded shape did not respond as well to the introduction of cutting, the rigidity of the chevrons made the shape immure to the introduction of a new folded planes until at least 4 cuts where created in the element allowing for the movement of a single chevron into a different plane.
However both of these experiments did allow for what could be called a transitional plane, something that we could use to bridge spaces in the voids of architecture or even as the bi fold elements show to create enclosures themselves.
Method: The single fold and quadruple fold where taken from stage one and further developed through the addition of cutting and refolding.
The initially single folded elements responded well to being cut and re folded with the introduction of a 90 degree folds seemed to pinch and limit the scope of the folded plate however the 45 and 135 degree folds produces some interesting though similar results with the developed shapes having similar outputs albeit more complex as the number of cuts in the surface increased as this allowed for more variation while still enabling the original folded shapes to maintain their structural integrity.
The quad folded shape did not respond as well to the introduction of cutting, the rigidity of the chevrons made the shape immure to the introduction of a new folded planes until at least 4 cuts where created in the element allowing for the movement of a single chevron into a different plane.
However both of these experiments did allow for what could be called a transitional plane, something that we could use to bridge spaces in the voids of architecture or even as the bi fold elements show to create enclosures themselves.
Experiment 1: the fold
Aim: to systematically explore different variations of folding technique with in the FAME site and to determine any relationship between the Fold and Bio elements of the research matrix. To further this aim we shall selectively choose successful folds that regenerate or evolve the planar surface over non successful ones to take to the next stage of the experiment.
Stage 1: The folded plane
A table was developed categorizing the standard folds that would be use. For this experiment we will only consider folds at 0, 45 90 and 135 degrees from the eastern edge of the site.
As the table: shows the development of the folds and how they interact with each other in the site
Results: As the images show, it is apparent that a singular directional fold and a combination of 4 directional folds can produce a new variation within the planar surface. However the use of 2 or 3 directional folds cause the plane to revert to or maintain its singular nature, we can see some differentiation in that a repetition of a fold in the same direction can generate cylindrical type objects; however any fold against the cylinder breaks its surface and destroys the shape. The planar surfaces that where developed in the 2 and 3 fold experiments can all be it now divided into a series of smaller elements however the natural conflict of the folds tried to maintain a singular large plane
To progress the experiment to another lever we then took the most simple and complex fold elements to another level introducing and other device the cut and refold. These elements where chosen as they where the ones that seemed to evolve through manipulation to form new plane elements rather than just new shapes.
Stage 1: The folded plane
A table was developed categorizing the standard folds that would be use. For this experiment we will only consider folds at 0, 45 90 and 135 degrees from the eastern edge of the site.
As the table: shows the development of the folds and how they interact with each other in the site
Results: As the images show, it is apparent that a singular directional fold and a combination of 4 directional folds can produce a new variation within the planar surface. However the use of 2 or 3 directional folds cause the plane to revert to or maintain its singular nature, we can see some differentiation in that a repetition of a fold in the same direction can generate cylindrical type objects; however any fold against the cylinder breaks its surface and destroys the shape. The planar surfaces that where developed in the 2 and 3 fold experiments can all be it now divided into a series of smaller elements however the natural conflict of the folds tried to maintain a singular large plane
To progress the experiment to another lever we then took the most simple and complex fold elements to another level introducing and other device the cut and refold. These elements where chosen as they where the ones that seemed to evolve through manipulation to form new plane elements rather than just new shapes.
Sunday, 8 May 2011
Research Test Parameters
From our earlier concept we formed the idea that all parts of the experiment relate to and fold into each other as a single manipulative element. To continue this initial theory each experiment conducted will be tested by one of the other experimental concepts of the matrix , for example the fold will be tested by the bio and so on during the research process.
Glapagos and Genetic Algorithms
I found some very interesting info and demos of Glapagos on these two blogs
Thursday, 5 May 2011
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