Thursday, 26 May 2011


In the attempt to over come a mental block, I did a bit of a reversion experiment, based upon the 1st year studio, I composed a list of words describing the design site and then found antonyms for them. What was produced is as follows

Aim: Inversion of the space

Method : Develop a list of words that describe the space as it is, find the opposites of those words. Make diagrams of the concepts both positive and negative.
Interpret diagrams to make conclusions about spaces, model the spaces.

Descriptors of the space                                  Inversions

Urban                                                             Country / Rural          
Grid locked                                                     Smooth flowing
Pedestrian                                                       Vehicular                                
Brick                                                               Glass
Built up                                                            Raised
High rise                                                          Mine Low Rise (flat)
Commercial                                                     Charitable (blue sky)
Retail                                                               Wholesale
Public                                                              private
Private                                                             Public
Civilian                                                            Military
Quite                                                               Loud
Time locked                                                    Always open
Daytime                                                          Night time
Central                                                            Remote
City                                                                 Country
Towers                                                            Tunnels
Glass                                                               Brick (concrete)
Un-accessible                                                  Accessible
Ominous                                                          promising
Busy                                                                Dead
Hobos                                                              Swells
Business people                                               Students         
Dark                                                                Light (bright, sunny)
Landlocked                                                     Coastal
Dirty                                                                Clean
Dull                                                                 Exciting
Government                                                    Private
Undesirable                                                     Coveted, desired, in demand(predicate), sought after, delectable, sexy
Walls                                                               Ditches
Carpark                                                           Paradise
Leased                                                             Owned
Confusing                                                       Straight forward

Two descriptors and inversions per A4 sheet, mix up the order and just draw the first thing that comes to mind for each word.

During diagramming it was noticed that there was a repetition of 2 opposite characteristic words, these being brick and glass, and public and private.

The diagrams where then laid out and surveyed for similarities.

Positive and negative copies where made of the diagrams

During this process, I had a burst of inspiration. See the above post

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